Andy -- Google "...Scott McKie -- POD MOD..." The article is the first one to come up.

It's on the "Rex Research website, along with my US Patent.

As usual -- "... people are entitled to their opinions -- but they are not entitled to their own facts.

Yours might be an "uninformed opinion".

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It is indeed good the read about the London Edge Fund Mr. Maxwell -- but there is a "fly in the ointment" that you might not like.

A US invented / US developed / and US Patented / solid-state electric power supply - called the POD MOD - already exists -- and it can be fitted into the power utility connection box in each home in London.

It has the ability to cleanly / "electronically produce" / all of the 230 VAC / 50 Hz electricity each home will every need - up tp 100 Amps per unit.

The rules that are presently in place - throughout the UK - is that the home owner "has the say" on which power source is to be used to power the location - not the utility.

How to I know this?

I've had a London based "silent partner" in the POD MOD Project -- since 2009 -- and he will remain unknown.

But he was the one that demonstrated - over Zoom -- that a standard POD MOD power unit, set to 230 VAC / 50 Hz power can easily fit inside the cabinet.

If your program is truly serious about making things better in London - then you might want to think about joining the process of getting POD MOD units placed into London homes and office spaces:

--- because the long-term lease price - will be at an equivalent to the proposed $0.10 "per hour / $72 per 30 day month - instead of the ever-increasing "per kW/Hr. rate presently in place.

The POD MOD, being small / lightweight / inexpensive to produce - and modular -- can be connected in multiples - to "collectively power", or retrofit-repower anything "stationary" up to existing high voltage electric power plants - to retrofitting-repowering any battery or internal combustion engine powered vehicle - of any size, shape, or weight - "movable" vehicles - including up to hi-bypass jet powered private or commercial aircraft.

The information on the POD MOD is being sent - by request - to Mr. Stark - for his consideration, for the new GB Energy company.

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I thought this was interesting and looked at google - nothing.. Looked at utube and one video regarding batteries and I am viewer #1. I hope you have not invested in this as their marketing dept are non-existent.

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